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March 2013

“The Passion Play” 2013: Word of Life Ministries

// Author: Lauren // 0 Comments

After months of practicing, the week is finally here – Play Week. The planning begins well before Christmas and the cast and crew usually start practicing the first Monday of the new year. Practice is twice a week – Mondays and Thursdays (and some cast members even practice Sundays too) for typically 3 hours.

This week all the hard work pays off. There are hundreds of volunteers who participate: actors, actresses, stage crew, dancers, makeup, sound & light crew, kitchen help, greeters, traffic directors, van drivers…. the list could probably go on. I have lost track of how many years I have been involved but I know it’s at least a decade now (yeah…. im getting old), but i’m sure everyone who has ever volunteered will agree: the time spent is well worth it!

This year we have had some major changes, including bringing in a production consultant, Paul DeRose, who used to work with Sight & Sound in Lancaster, Pa. Recently the post gazette wrote an article about our play and you can read more here: http://www.post-gazette.com/stories/local/neighborhoods-east/hundreds-stage-easter-pageant-that-attracts-thousands-680256/#ixzz2OQiUabUP

Come out and see the play Sunday March 24th & Monday March 25th. NO TUESDAY. Wednesday March 27th, Thursday March 28th, or Friday March 29th. Choral prelude at 6:30pm, Play starts at 7pm. Word of Life Ministries: 4497 Route 136 Greensburg, PA. Be aware, seats fill up quick and we may have to turn you away if you do not get there early for a seat.

I plan on trying to take more pictures throughout the week but for now here are some photos from Saturdays dress rehearsal.

Jesus heals the lepers.

New Scene: Pontius Pilate’s wife warns him of her dream (about Jesus).

“… take him away and have him flogged, as an act of Roman justice.”
“… a crown for the King of the Jews!” “Where are your followers now Mighty King?”

“…It is finished. Lord, into your hands I commit my spirit.”

…you are my son. …God’s chosen one.

What a wonderful way to spend your week leading up to Easter Sunday. If you are reading this, I pray you can make it out to see the play during one of our five nights. I guarantee you will be richly blessed!

For more information:
Word of Life Ministries
4497 Route 136
Greensburg Pa 15601
724 837 8790

Easter Sessions w/ LIVE baby chicks. Weekend #2

// Author: Lauren // 0 Comments

Easter is almost here, so I think it is about time I share the rest of my Easter Mini Sessions with you.
I absolutely loved how all of these photos turned out! No two sessions were the same. All the kids had different reactions… some LOVED the chicks, others were scared or shy, and some even gave them the good ol’ stare down. Check out some of the reactions…

I didn’t lie, right? So many wonderful and hilarious reactions!

I cannot thank you all enough for coming out to the studio and letting me take some fabulous Easter pictures of your children. It was extremely fun and exciting and I enjoyed meeting all of you. I am currently planning a special giveaway for my customers (who I have photographed) so far this year, so keep an eye out! I wanted to do something special to thank you for all of your support.

Eva: 1st Birthday Session w/ Smash Cake

// Author: Lauren // 0 Comments


This sweet baby girl came into the studio two weeks ago to celebrate her first birthday. She was so tiny and precious. She definitely reminds me of a porcelain baby doll, so fragile and delicate.
To celebrate the occassion, her awesome momma even made her a smash cake to celebrate. We were able to capture a few pictures before she saw the cake. She needed that cake and she wasn’t taking no for an answer!

Gorgeous, right? I cannot wait to meet her new baby sister this summer- telling from Eva and her big brother… this new baby girl is going to be a doll too! Happy first Birthday Eva!!