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children photographer

Ava {1st Bday + Cake Smash}

// Author: Lauren // 0 Comments

The other day someone asked me what I liked to photograph the most – I never have a straight answer, I love it all, but I always say 1st Birthday’s! That one never changes. I LOVE the innocence of a child and watching their reaction to the special treat in front of them.

Ava did not disappoint. She was absolutely gorgeous, gentle, and precious!

Ava 1st Bday
Those eyes!

Ava 1st Bday
That giggle. Ah!

Ava 1st Bday
… & the way she squeezed her Minnie.

Ava 1st Bday

Ava 1st Bday

Ava 1st Bday

Ava 1st Bday
& her reaction to the cupcake. Priceless!

Ava 1st Bday

Sweet Ava, I hope you have a fantastic 1st birthday! Come back and visit anytime,

Riley Turns Two {Birthday Photos Blairsville, Pa}

// Author: Lauren // 0 Comments

Warning: Prepare for serious cuteness overload.

Once again, I spent an hour trying to pick and choose which photos from this adorable session (in the park) to share with you (on the blog). Sometime I wish I could just share them all! Anyways…

I have been photographing Lil’ Miss Riley since she was just a few weeks old and wow, what an honor. She is such a beauty!natural model, I swear. Momma was so worried she was worn out from a busy day at Idlewild and we wouldn’t get any good pictures, but if you ask me – there isn’t a bad one. She is a rockstar!
Riley Turns Two

Riley Turns Two

Riley Turns Two

Riley Turns Two

Riley Turns Two

Riley Turns Two

Riley Turns Two

Riley Turns Two

Riley Turns Two

Riley Turns Two

Doesn’t she just warm your heart? I have a feeling mommy and daddy have trouble on their hands… Such a beauty queen & she knows it! In just a few short weeks Miss Riley will be TWO years old already. Where have all the babies gone? I hope you have a fabulous birthday Miss Riley girl & I look forward to photographing you again 🙂

Little Strawberry Farmers

// Author: Lauren // 0 Comments

In the middle of April, I took ten days off to visit my two favorite little boys in the whole world! My nephews Grasyn & Brayden! They live in the very south of South Carolina & it is a long eleven hour car ride. It been hard seeing them grow up through photographs, phone & Skype calls, and occasional visits, but it makes me appreciate the photographs even more.

While we were there it just so happened that Strawberries were in season. So while Mommy was at work Favorite Auntie (yeah… that’s me!) and Grandma dressed the boys up in their overalls, loaded them in the van then off we went to the Strawberry farm!

Brayden probably ate a dozen strawberries while we were there… and maybe a handful or two of dirt! LOL. he was one messy boy!

No shoes, no shirt, no problem!

Grasyn only held the strawberries and occasionally helped feed them to his baby bro. Awe, how sweet.

Towards the end they finally stopping running for a few minutes and sat down for a photo. I would say they had a ton of fun.

I cannot wait to see my boys again. They are getting so big! It has been two long months so far and luckily I only have to wait three more weeks! Unfortunately, by the time I see them again my little Gray-Goose will already been three years old!!! *clue the tears* Where does the time go?

Soon, I will share our awesome “cowboy” themed photoshoot & I am sure their will be plenty of pictures taken during their visit in July. I sure hope you guys don’t mind looking at tons of pictures of my nephews… it helps that they are adorable riggghhhhht?


Oh & what did we do with all those strawberries we pick? Strawberry Pie & Strawberry Jelly! Mmmmm.
Captured: April 17th, 2013
Location: Dempsey Farms St. Helena Island, SC