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easter session

Easter Mini’s (w/ baby chicks) 2014

// Author: Lauren // 0 Comments

It is that time of year again – Easter Mini Sessions! YAY. I have to admit these are my FAVORITE sessions, because seeing the children’s reactions to the chicks is always sooooooooooo much fun! So here is a sneak peek of my day in the studio with the kiddos and chicks.

Antonio – Oh my word. His facial expressions had me laughing so hard when I loaded his pictures! These are only 3 out of 20!




Carly & Olivia – These two are pro’s at my Mini Sessions by now and I love it. They are also great chicken wranglers! & I always capture lots of silly faces that keep me laughing while editing.




Ellie- This was my first time meeting this sweet little girl and she was ADORABLE. So sweet and slightly scared of the chicks but she held one like a pro and posed like a model.



Emma-   This sweet little one stopped by and she just happened to be exactly 5 months old! She had grown so much since I captured her at 5 days old. Such a sweet treat to see her. She was just precious & BEAUTIFUL blue eyes.




Madison –
I was so excited to have this sweet little girl stop by again with her beautiful curly hair. She did great with the chicks and even brought her bunny with her. I loved it.




Paxton- Seriously, he was a natural at just 5 months old! He looked at the camera and grinned. I could photograph him everyday! & He did so well with the chicks for such a young age. Oooohhh, and the bunny ears & tail…. adorable.





Thank you to everyone who stopped by. It was a wonderful day with the kiddos and chicks. I look forward to it again next year.