Cash & Kane // Newborn Studio Session
At the very end of 2014, twins came into the studio! Cross that off the bucket list.
I absolutely adore newborn photography and would love to have a newborn in the studio everyday. I feel like I grew so much in 2014 with my photography, especially focusing on my newborn photography, so ending the year with twins was a special treat.
They were a dream to work with, so here is a few of my favorites from their full studio session.
& of course, because they were born in December, we did a few Christmas themed photos.
Adorable, right??? Can you tell the different between Cash & Kane? It is hard – but I can (Thank God, or they may have gotten a ton of pictures of just one kid – Who would have known?! hehehe. jk)
I cannot wait to see what 2015 holds – I hope it is a ton of newborns!
If you would like to have some precious newborn pictures like these, contact me now. Planning during your pregnancy makes the process so much easier – as we try to capture your newborn between 5 – 10 days old.
Bonnets: Paulette-Gage-Mosher
Red Striped Elf Hats: Ellysa Anne Design
Upcycled Sweater Hats: my creative Sister-in-Law