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Easter Sessions w/ LIVE baby chicks. Weekend #1

// Author: Lauren // 0 Comments

Sometime in February I started thinking about doing Easter “Mini” Sessions (only 30 minutes) in the studio, but i wanted it to be unique and fun.
Friends & Family quickly suggested: “have Josh dress up in an Easter bunny costume.” << I cannot tell you how many times I heard that.
Fortunately (for him), that was not what I was looking for. What family doesn’t have one of those Easter Bunny photos where the child is screaming and crying, horrified by the man dressed as an oversized rabbit???
So I put out a request on my facebook page… trying to find anyone interested in lending me their bunnies… chicks… lambs… ducks… etc. Quickly I got a response back from a new friend, she was buying baby chicks and I could borrow them! YAY! Success. & I loved the idea.
Quicky, I had alot of interest & response for these sessions and I cannot thank you all enough. Last weekend I had 4 sessions and I think all the kids did great, some more eager than others… but nonetheless we got some great photos! So here are some of my favorites from last weekend:

www.laurenreedphoto.com Easter Photos Live Baby Chickswww.laurenreedphoto.com Easter Photos Live Baby Chickswww.laurenreedphoto.com Easter Photos Live Baby Chickswww.laurenreedphoto.com Easter Photos Live Baby Chickswww.laurenreedphoto.com Easter Photos Live Baby Chickswww.laurenreedphoto.com Easter Photos Live Baby Chickswww.laurenreedphoto.com Easter Photos Live Baby Chickswww.laurenreedphoto.com Easter Photos Live Baby Chickswww.laurenreedphoto.com Easter Photos Live Baby Chickswww.laurenreedphoto.com Easter Photos Live Baby Chickswww.laurenreedphoto.com Easter Photos Live Baby Chickswww.laurenreedphoto.com Easter Photos Live Baby Chicks

This weekend I have 5 more sessions with the baby chicks, yay! & I can’t wait to share those on the blog too. Again, thank you to everyone who participated. It was alot of fun and I look forward to doing something similar again next year!