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pittsburgh photography

Grant // 6 Months

// Author: Lauren // 0 Comments

I know I’ve mentioned a few times – I adore photographing newborns. You know what else I love? When they come back to visit throughout their first year! They grow so much in that first year. Ideally, I’d love to photograph them every month, or 3 months. But if I can catch them at newborn, 6 months, and a year – I am one happy photog!

I was so excited when Grant’s momma contacted me for some 6 month photos. His eyes were so blue and his facial expression – OH MY GOODNESS>>> he was cracking me up.

Grant Turns 6 Months

Grant Turns 6 Months

Grant Turns 6 Months

Grant Turns 6 Months

Grant Turns 6 Months

Grant Turns 6 Months

Grant Turns 6 Months
^ THIS FACE! I laugh out loud everytime. <3 Grant Turns 6 Months

Grant Turns 6 Months

Grant Turns 6 Months

Grant Turns 6 Months

Grant Turns 6 Months

Seriously though, How precious is he!?!

Brittany + Mike // Pittsburgh Engagement

// Author: Lauren // 0 Comments

In July, I headed down to Point State Park to meet Brittany and Mike to capture their engagement photos. Little did we know, the park was packed – it was the first day of the Three Rivers Regetta! *slam hand to face* << my exact reaction when I got there and saw all the people and tents.

Luckily, once I made my way through the crowd and found this beautiful couple – everything went so smoothly! The weather, lighting, posing – everything fell together so perfectly. Check it out >>

Brittany & Mike

Brittany & Mike

Brittany & Mike

Brittany & Mike

Brittany & Mike

Brittany & Mike

Brittany & Mike

Brittany & Mike

Brittany & Mike

Brittany & Mike

Brittany & Mike

Brittany & Mike

Thank you so much to Brittany and Mike for contacting me to capture their photos! It was a wonderful experience and a privilege to meet such a lovely couple!

Anthony Michael {Newborn // 10 days old}

// Author: Lauren // 0 Comments

Sweet baby Anthony made his entry into the world on Valentines Day 2014, how perfect. I absolutely LOVE photographing newborns. If I could photograph a newborn everyday – I WOULD! No lie. & he was a perfect newborn to capture. He slept well, smiled, smirked, and was absolutely perfect.

Anthony {Newborn}

Anthony {Newborn}

Anthony {Newborn}

Anthony {Newborn}

Anthony {Newborn}

Anthony {Newborn}

Anthony {Newborn}

Anthony {Newborn}

Anthony {Newborn}

Anthony {Newborn}
How great did baby Anthony’s mom look?! Amazing right?! Especially since she gave birth less than two week previous to these photos. I love those photos of their new little family. I cannot wait to see this little one grow. It is amazing how fast time flies.

Thanks so much for bringing Anthony into the studio, it was an honor to photograph him.